How can I check the status of my order?
Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email containing online tracking information. Orders sent from multiple locations will result in receiving multiple emails.
What should I do if my order arrives damaged?
We regret to learn about the damage. Please provide us with a brief description including additional details and photographs (if possible), and we will address the issue promptly. If you intend to return an item, kindly inform us so we can facilitate the return process.
How may I reach your customer service via email?
We look forward to assisting you with your inquiry. Please contact us at
Why do I see multiple charges on my credit or debit card?
During the checkout process, we only authorize payments rather than applying actual charges. Any temporary authorizations related to an unsuccessful transaction typically revert within 2-3 days. For further information, please contact your bank or credit card provider.
How can I track my return?
The average processing time for your return and credit is approximately 8-15 business days starting from the date it is shipped.